Corporate disputes

Business conducted in the form of a commercial company can provide conflicts involving partners or members of commercial company bodies, each seeking to advance their own interests in the company. Multifaceted and complex disputes within the company may not only negatively affect the company’s reputation and its relations with business partners, but result in real impediments to the company’s day-to-day operations and key decision-making within the company. You will be effectively supported in eliminating or reducing these risks by our specialists with many years of experience in the field of corporate disputes and proprietary solutions in this area.

How can we help?

    • Proposing possible scenarios for the resolution of a corporate dispute and preparing specific action strategies dedicated to the case,
    • Legal advice during negotiations aimed at an amicable resolution of a shareholder or body member dispute,
    • Preparation of agreements and contracts aimed at an amicable termination of an existing corporate dispute with security packages (e.g. regarding the exit of a shareholder from the company),
    • Legal advice to shareholders or minority shareholders, including on the valuation of shares of minority shareholders subject to squeeze out procedures,
    • Legal advice on the deprivation of a shareholder’s voting rights,
    • Challenging resolutions of shareholders’ meetings and general meetings of shareholders,
  • Handling dividend disputes,
  • Representation on claims by members of company bodies for damages caused in connection with their functions,
  • Pursuing claims against shareholders for acts of unfair competition or other acts to the detriment of the company,
  • Representation in litigation relating to directors’ liability for the liabilities of the limited liability company,
  • Legal advice on claims by shareholders for damage caused to the company,
  • Representation in litigation concerning the exclusion of a shareholder or the dissolution of a company.

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Our experts

Karolina Jagiełło
Manager, Attorney-at-law, Restructuring advisor
