about WPW
Who are we?
What is important to us?
Realised tax projects
Completed legal projects
How we support our customers?
Prizes and awards
State aid
Income taxes CIT and PIT
Value added tax (VAT)
Transfer pricing
Tax credits for innovation activities (R&D and IP Box)
Reporting of tax schemes (MDR)
Tax reviews
Tax disputes/Control and tax proceedings
JPK_VAT File (Polish form of standard audit file for tax – SAF-T)
Automation of tax settlements
Tax advice on mergers and conversions
Tax procedures
Tax training
Withholding tax (WHT)
Real estate tax (RET)
Company law and corporate governance
M&A (mergers and acquisitions)
Commercial contract law
Corporate disputes
Banking and Finance
Succession planning and implementation
Labour law
Disputes and court proceedings
Bankruptcy and restructuring
Real Estate
Alternative Investment Companies
Polish investment zone
Eventy EN
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Testowy napis na zdjęciu-naszebiura3
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Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu-eventy2
Testowy napis na zdjęciu-eventy3
Testowy napis na zdjęciu-eventy4
Test caption on the picture - integrations6
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Testowy napis na zdjęciu
Test caption on the picture - integrations1
Test caption on the picture - integrations3
Test caption on the picture - integrations5
Test caption on the picture - integrations4
Test caption on the picture - integrations8
Test caption on the picture - integrations9
Test caption on the picture - integrations10
Test caption on the picture - integrations11
Test caption on the picture - integrations12
Test caption on the picture - integrations13
Test caption on the picture - integrations14
Test caption on the picture - integrations15